The Cat's Meow!!!

Okay, okay. I'll admit it.....I kinda miss our cat out here in Thailand. He is pretty great and does make life very fun. We often think of him and his crazy personality. He is scared of his own shadow, so it would be great to have him out here so he could be terrified of all the crazy traffic and the barking dogs and such. He would freak out all the time. He would never be able to relax. Dexter, for a cat, is a pretty great cat for sure. He has this fun side where he will play hide and seek with you, or fight with you for a bit while he purrs away, and then he has a super cuddly side where all he wants to do is lay beside you and cuddle up and sleep the day away. If he didn't shed so much he really would be the perfect cat. So as a tribute, and because we do miss him a bit, we dedicate this blog post in honor of our cat, Dexter. And a special thank you to Melissa who is looking after him for us while we are away. Melissa also has a cat named Dexter. They are becoming quite the pair. Here are some pics I stole off of Melissa's facebook page:

3 Responses
  1. Nisha Sajnani Says:

    He looks like such a sweetheart! No wonder you miss him! The both of them look like good buddies through. The pics from Thailand are great. I really appreciate how you keep focusing on the positive despite the stressors that can come with living such a significant cultural shift. Continue the storytelling~ it will be such a great archive of the trip and a good reminder of the freedom of adventure you are currently living. Best wishes! Nisha

  2. Anonymous Says:

    Love the pics honey!! Dexter misses you too!! Don't worry, he and my Dex are definately keeping themselves busy!! (the attack time is my favorite!!) Happy to help honey! Miss you so much!! XOXOX Melissa

  3. Tim Says:

    Oh, cat. Well he was an ok cat I'll admit that. Nice to the see the pics.

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