Taking Over The Band

So we were downtown in Pattaya one fine night with some friends of ours, and we decided to stop in at KFC for a little snack. Right beside KFC was a band playing a bunch of cover songs and generally just having a good time. As we stood in line the girls, (we thought) were just waiting outside. When we came out we learned that not only were they not waiting for us anymore, but they had literally become the lead singers of this band. The former lead singer, a ladyboy to be sure, had been kicked to the back to make way for Jasmine and Lesley (Canadians) and Vicky (British). They made us proud, belting out a Katy Perry tune and dancing on stage. Well done girls! Surely, the music scene in Thailand will never be the same thanks to these three!
2 Responses
  1. Tim Says:

    This is...HILARIOUS! Well done girls. I look forward to the album which I'm sure is coming out soon.

  2. Anonymous Says:

    Katy Perry?... :)


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