The Sweet Smell of Victory!

After school today we had a "friendly" game of football (soccer to you folks in Canada) at the school. It was the bitter rivalry between the primary staff and the secondary staff. The youth and speed of the primary group versus the skill and experience of the secondary. The good looks and incredible talent of the primary versus the guys who talk slow and whose eyeballs don't quite match up. I played for the primary in case you couldn't guess. After 90 minutes of hard fought football, incredible goals, unbelievably bad calls by the ref, and alot of fun, the primary gang edged out the secondary squad 8-3. It was a victory of epic porportions and one that will go down in the history of Regent School football as one of the greatest matches of all time. Years from now our childrens children will be talking about this match and the skilled men who played it. Names like Reardon, Willms, Arnold and even Neufeld. And now, onto the weekend.....Brilliant!
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