A little surprise....

It was January 1st, and we had just got back from Bangkok after a lovely night of bringing in the New Year. Our little kitten was happy as a lark, and we were getting ready for bed. "I am thirsty, " I thought to myself, "and I think I will go and get a drink of water from the fridge." So off I went to the kitchen. The lights were off, so I turned them on, as is my custom of doing when the lights are off. I took the pitcher from the fridge and had myself a little drink of water. I put the pitcher of water back in the fridge after my thirst was quenched. "My leg is itchy," I thought to myself, as I reached down to scratch it. In doing so, I also looked down. That is when I saw the biggest spider I have ever seen in my life resting a couple of inches from my big toe. I jumped away from it, and it didn't even move. I told Jasmine that she had to come in and look at the massive girth of this spider, which she politely declined. I then took my trusty broom and killed it. Would you like to see this spider? Ok.....

Imagine looking down and seeing this little guy right at your feet. Do you see its glowing eyes? I could have been killed. I have only seen one of these so far in Thailand, and I am hoping this is the only one I see. Goodness sake! I wonder if it is poisonous. Oh well, its dead now. Life can move on. I am just glad that I stumbled upon it, and not our cat, or worse yet, my wife.
1 Response
  1. Tim Says:

    Whoa. This is huge...and kind of gross. The glowing eyes look like death rays about to incinerate you. Whatch out!

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