A New Addition...

So Jasmine got her way. As much as I protested the need for a cat in Thailand, we have recently added Maestro to our family. He is super cute, and the messiest eater on the planet. Usually when we come home from a day at school, there is food scattered across a one metre radius from his dish. He enjoys watching playstation games and has meowed at the screen a few times (cheering for the Oilers I like to think). He is eight weeks old and weighs about the same as a bic pen. He enjoys ham and batting at our heads while we sleep. He is also a jumping machine, of which I will post a video of shortly. As much as I tried to talk Jasmine out of a cat, I am glad we have him, though I would gladly trade him for a dog.
1 Response
  1. Tim Says:

    These pictures are very cute guys. I hope we can skype soon.

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