We Stand On Gaurd For Thee!

So every year we have "International Day" to celebrate the diverse cultures present at our school, and indeed our world. It is actually quite a cool event, with the football oval decked out in games and contests, as well as big inflatables for the kids, and the school itself is set up in pavillions from around the world. You recieve a passport and go to each station to get it stamped and look at stuff from all around the world. (Much like folkfest in Saskatoon, only student run, for the most part). This year, in the program, we Canadians sang the good ol hockey game to the crowd, standing up for the best sport in all of the world. It was a great day. It was also cool because Mom and Dad were here so they got to see our school on a very fun day. Here is the video and some pics of the day.

1 Response
  1. Tim Says:

    Looks like you guys had a great day...and nice work on the song. Good ol' (gold medal) hockey game!

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