Flights Booked!

So we finally have our flights, and with two whole days to spare. Here is the information on when we leave for those who are interested....

Aug 8
7:30am Toronto to Chicago
3 hour layover

11:25 Chicago to Tokyo
Arrive in Tokyo Japan at 1:25pm the next day (Japan Time)
4 Hour and forty minute layover in Tokyo

7:05 Tokyo to Bangkok
Arrive in Bankok at 11:40 pm
Find hotel and sleep for a week!

So there you have it. We are off to Bangkok on Saturday. Jazz and I are expecting that it will be an extremely long day with all of the layovers and such, but in the end, not too bad. It will be fun to get to Bangkok and spend a few days in the big city exploring and such before we head to Pattaya. We don't actually have to be at the school until the 14th, but it will be nice to get there a few days ahead of time to set up our home and figure out the logistics of the place. Our anniversary is on the 9th, so we will spend the whole day up in the air flying...which is too bad, but we will have our anniversary celebration with a nice supper in Bangkok, Thailand. Can't complain about that.
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