Western Wednesday!

Its official. Everyone at the condo (well almost everyone) has decided that every wednesday after school shall hereby and forever more be known as "Western Wednesday". What that means is that every wednesday we will scour the streets of Pattaya looking for food from our own cultures in the west. I now live for western wednesdays. No spicy food. No rice. Just good ol' western grub. Yesterday we were all feeling a little lazy so we just decided to order in and have some drinks by the pool. So we all ordered in pizza from a place called "The Pizza Company" and sat around the pool laughing, and eating delicious pizza. It was in a word....wonderful. Perhaps we should call in wonderful western wednesday. At any rate, western wednesdays are simply the best. I wonder where we will all go next week. For today however, we are back to Thai thursdays.
2 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    Western wednesday is the finest invention since snare drums and cctv from white noise

  2. Anonymous Says:

    Haha, "No rice!". You sound like Corey even though
    for him it's only a couple times a week that we even
    eat rice to begin with. Are you missing doing your own
    cooking? How splendid to relax by the pool everyday after
    work! Nancy

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